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A vehicle that responds to gravity's call from atop a huge bridge

 A vehicle that responds to gravity's call from atop a huge bridge

A unusual incident occurred in the "Netherlands" when a tank (a four-wheeled bicycle) dropped from the top of a car bridge across a river in "Rotterdam" that is raised vertically to allow ships to pass through it

The cops are still looking into this bizarre incident to learn more information. Was there a mistake, and the tank was still, but the bridge was elevated vertically, or what?

  The tank suffered significant damage, but thankfully no one was hurt. The cause of what happened is still unknown, and the verified account has not yet been made public. However, we do know for sure that Newton's laws of inclination and gravity have been validated.

Dear Reader, keep an eye on the vehicle as it complies with the laws of gravity, inclination, and general physics, and don't forget to tell your friends about it on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.

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